About Me

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Those of you who know me probably arent surprised that i have a little family of my own and a house full of animals.But for those of you just getting to know me it wont be a surprise later. Joshua and I have been married since march 08. We had our first little boy in October. Joseph Wayne. He is my everything. We also have 2 dogs Max and Pennie. We are a Military family. I support my husband in everything he does. So for now home is where the Army sends us. So come along and join us in our journeys as a family....

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Big Change

So for the past 6 months Joe and I shared in our special time bonding over a warm meal (for him anyway!) And after much debate and agony i have desided to ween him off daytime feedings. I know thats its not the greatest dissission but for my health and well being it is. My reasoning behind the whole"change" is because he bites and he bites often. Mainly when he is disstracted or board. He just isn't that interested in breast feeding anymore except for middle of the night comfort. Now if he had only done it a few times i'd let it go as teething or maybe even a mistake but we're well past a few and getting to the "Are you Kidding Me!" point. I an upside this means travel will be a bit easier seeing that i could never pump that much to begin with. So now he can stay with his grandparents and i not have to worry about running out of stored milk. Which i did worry about... So on to some bigger things...

We've got our new duty station and we're very excited about it!! We're off the Colorado. Fort Carson. I can't wait to get into a house with a fenced in back yard and actrual dinning room seperate from my kitchen....and a place to plant a veggie garden..what better to make baby food with... which i think maybe a whole other topic i can't even begin to touch.

Well Joe is 6 months tomorrow and i just can't believe how fast this time has gone by. He has changed so much and has learned so much. I'm not really sure how i'm going to be in another 6 months when he turns a year. I'll probably cry like the baby he once was. So heres joe...newborn and 6 months...

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Random thought for today....

So this morning I woke up to my smiling, very happy to see me Baby. He was talkin to me like he had a very important story tell and it had to be told just then and there. I began to wonder. How long is he going to wake up in the morning glad to see me and tell me very important storys?? How long am I going to be his best friend? Is it only going to last a little awhile or is this something i can count on for a long long time. I know friendships can start very early in life. I myself have had a extremley close friend since 1st grade. So will his bestfriend be Ms Abby. (who already has a crush on him) Or am i going to have that pleasure for a little while longer? All i know is that i can honsetly say they day he comes home and tells me all about his new friend and wants to go play, i think my be a sad day in my eyes. I've gotten so used to playin with him and dancing for him to make him laugh that i can't even remember what life was like before Joe. So my random thought is Is there any parent out there that as kept their "Bestfriend Baby" for a long while or is this a short lived joy??

Thursday, February 5, 2009

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Being A Mom

I was scared when I first found out i was pregnant. Then Josh reassured me things where going to be ok. He said just think about it...we were blessed simply because we didnt have to try very hard like so many do...it's a gift......it was ment to be....Boy was he right!!!
The whole prenancy was fun except for night time sickness which i was glad to part with. Joe was a week late and with some trouble my precious baby boy was here. I can remember thinkin to myself once the drugs wore off "wow, how can i be holding this little life in my hands..oh i hope i dont mess this up!!"
Joseph has changed so much since the first day we brought him home. Before he would just sleep and wake when he was hungry. Now he is awake and laughing and he knows the difference between mommy and daddy. He pets pennie and smiles when she's near. He is still a hungry boy but thats ok....he grabs at things and is eatting baby food. I don't want him to grow up but yet in the same i can't wait to see what he does next. Joshua has made me make him sleep in him crib now. Which was easy for him but hard on me. Joe doesn't seem to mind ethier, he's got more leg room.
I have more love for this little boy then i could have ever possibly imagened. I love him so much to think about it it hurts. I have much more apprecation for my mother. I now know why she would never buy herself anything. It all came to me. I go to the store the first place i go is to the baby department. My mother is a very strong women. A women i could only hope someday to come close to. My mom is the best person i know. She'd do anything for me and now i get it because i would do anything for Joe.
All and all dirty diapers aren't that bad, feeding him every 2 hours is just a scheduling challenge but watchin Joe grow up so fast is hard knowing everyday he's closer to being independant and on his way out into the big world. I'll miss his sweet little toothless grin and silly little laugh. But i look foward to seeing the man he'll become and enjoying all the memories we'll make on the way. So from one mom to another i feel your sadness but I'll rejoice with you as our babies make all the great milestones in life... Being a mom is truely a blessing.....